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 I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get

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Dark Knight Admin

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I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get Empty
PostSubject: I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get   I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get I_icon_minitimeMon May 24, 2010 5:39 pm

Hello everybody;

This is the new phone I'm looking at getting, the Sprint HTC Evo 4G. It's a beast of a phone; I really want it!

I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get Sprint10

You can find out more about it on What do you all think? Is it worth being my next phone, or is there something better (and don't say iPhone).

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Gotham Knight Reader

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PostSubject: Re: I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get   I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get I_icon_minitimeMon May 24, 2010 11:01 pm

Looks badass man!
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Gotham Knight Initiated

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PostSubject: Re: I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get   I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get I_icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 2:18 am

If it doesn't have the actual keypad I tend to look the other way. I hate doing the touch screen typing. I always screw up. My wife was gonna get an HTC phone a few months back but I recommended she didn't 'cause of it not having a slide out keyboard so she got the Samsung Moment instead. Pretty good Google Android phone.

Me personally I have the Motorola Clutch i465 with Boost Mobile. Nothing special about the phone. Does all the basics with unlimited talk, text and web for $50 a month. I can't complain too much for my phone's mediocrity. I actually love the simplicity of my phone.

(mine's black instead of red)
I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get Motorola-clutch-i465
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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get   I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get I_icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 3:22 am

It looks sweet dude - I'm a big fan of the touch screen phones, but I do own an iPhone and looking back is a horrible thought lol - I always look to see what social interaction I can get from a phone - Facebook, emails and RSS feeds. I'd be lost without my RSS feeds..

Go with your gut dude Smile
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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get   I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get I_icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 11:20 am

I like it, because it's arguably right up there with the iPhone. I really would get an iPhone 'cause I have iTunes already and love some of the apps and stuff, but (at least here in the states) it's with AT&T, and I have a Sprint family plan with Mom/Sister that I can't leave. Plus, the android phones are really cool, and Google's appstore and all that are at least the next best thing to Apple.

I hear you on that, Garrey. That's my only real issue with it; I tried my friend's iPhone, which are supposed to be one of the best for sensitivity and typing and all that, but I had a bit of a hard time with it. The buttons were all small, and it was kinda weird typing on a flat screen. This is what I have now (the red one);

I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get Samsun10

And it works pretty good. But the Evo has a whole bunch of extra goodies mine doesn't. I've never had a top-of-the-line phone, and I really want one for once. It's being called the best Google phone yet, and a real contender for the iPhone (although, every phone tries to make that claim these days).

And Garrey, I looked up the Samsung Moment and I kinda dig it, but there's at least a few reasons that I like the Evo more; it has the HTC Sense on it, which is supposed to make it more efficient and sensitive, it has a 1 GHz Snapdragon Processor (which is supposed to be hella fast), and it has a bigger battery. Plus, I dunno if the Moment is or not, but the Evo is all HD (granted it's only 720p, which is kinda disappointing to me with my 1080p TV, PS3 and bluray), but it's better than what I've got now, that's for sure.

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PostSubject: Re: I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get   I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get I_icon_minitime

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I'm wondering what you all think of the new phone I want to get
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