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 Are You a Marvel or DC fan?

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6 posters

DC vs Marvel: What's your pick?
Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_vote_lcap85%Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_vote_rcap
 85% [ 11 ]
Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_vote_lcap8%Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_vote_rcap
 8% [ 1 ]
Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_vote_lcap7%Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_vote_rcap
 7% [ 1 ]
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Total Votes : 13

Dark Knight Admin

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Are You a Marvel or DC fan? Empty
PostSubject: Are You a Marvel or DC fan?   Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 2:49 pm

Hello everyone;

I had a new idea for a poll for our community. I've noticed that, as I'm sure many of you have, most people say you have to either be a member of DC Nation or a Marvel Zombie. You can't go both ways; it's comic-geek sacrilege. However, I have noticed that many Marvel fans are willing to admit that they like Batman, but the rest of DC basically sucks. I haven't heard a lot of DC fans saying anything along those lines about Marvel (ie. Spider-Man's cool, but the rest suck).

So, here's my question for you all; are you a DC fan or Marvel fan? And please, explain why in the bottom (I'm really interested in this).

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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Are You a Marvel or DC fan?   Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 2:59 pm

I picked "DC" and "Both". I have to admit, I'm a DC guy by nature; my favorite hero of all time is Superman, and how can you do any better than the World's Finest? The most powerful superhero, along with the most formidable mortal of all time; it's the best! But I grew up with Batman: The first movie in '89 and the films after that, the Animated Series, I loved it all. Then Spider-Man came out, and I liked Spider-Man for a minute. But then, my Dad introduced me to Superman, just as Smallville came on the air, and I was hooked.

What I love about DC is that they are truly Superheroes; few of them have ever killed anyone, for any reason, and they are all inspirational to the normal citizens (I give you Steel, who was so inspired by Superman that he decided to do good for others).

Marvel, on the other hand, is more than ok with "Morally Grey". They like to have conflicted heroes with "issues", many of whom are perfectly ok with killing whoever's in their way. Some of them inspire the common people, but many are underground or often judged as being crazy or evil or having a motive (Spider-Man comes to mind, with JJ Jameson and the Bugle always printing hateful things about Spider-Man, even when he saves Jameson himself).

But, at the same time, I like the X-Men, Spider-Man, the Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America and a bunch of the Marvel Universe. The only problem is, outside of their movies, I really have no time to read their comics (what little time I DO have is taken up by trying to keep abreast of the DCU).

So, there you have it. lol

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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Are You a Marvel or DC fan?   Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 6:40 pm

I don't like what Marvel has been doing with most of their characters lately. The epic crossovers they have been publishing seems like a big gimmick to me.

Dark Reign, Siege are definitely overrated and according to some of my friends who read them, somewhat dissapointing.

Deadpool has too many titles and spin-offs.

Amazing Spider-Man has rotating writers and artist working on them. Although that allows the creative team to inject fresh new ideas in terms of storytelling, it seriously lacks consistency overall. Ultimate Spider-Man is alright but not as good as the previous volume.

The X-Men books have been a letdown for many years. The only good thing going on is the current 'Second Coming' story-arc.

Too many Avengers books. Do we really need 4 different Avengers titles?
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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Are You a Marvel or DC fan?   Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 11:21 pm

I didn't know about all that; I read the first half of Civil War, but then got really caught up in 52 and gave up lol. I know essentially what happened after that, but none of these recent things. I was interested in World War Hulk, 'cause I love me some Hulk, but I didn't get to that either. The big thing for me is that I just don't have time to jump into another event when I have/had Blackest Night, Batman Reborn/Return of Bruce Wayne, New Krypton, Teen Titans/Titans and JLA/JSA to keep track of. One universe is enough, two would be a gargantuan task.

But, in general (new stories I don't know about aside), I do like some of Marvel's characters and really would like to have enough time to read their stuff. But I have too much going on OTHER than just comics to get into another whole universe of characters.

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Gotham Knight Reader

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PostSubject: Re: Are You a Marvel or DC fan?   Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 01, 2010 2:32 am

I am a Batman fan, but I've been interested in marvel for the past 15 years

My favorites are Spider-Man, X-Men, Ghost Rider, Punisher
I do like the FF, Hulk and Iron Man, but not that much

However I will always be a Batman/Spider-Man fan at the most, and I'm currently loving the B-man titles

I don't really know too much about the rest of the DC universe though
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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Are You a Marvel or DC fan?   Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 01, 2010 5:10 am

I'm in the Both camp, but DC will always remain my favorite - I've been a big fan of Captain America, Hulk, X-Men and Spider-Man. No matter what I dabble in, I always go back to Batman...
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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Are You a Marvel or DC fan?   Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 01, 2010 12:14 pm

Nobody's saying neither, so I guess that's good lol.

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Jon Q. Citizen
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Jon Q. Citizen

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PostSubject: Re: Are You a Marvel or DC fan?   Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 11:09 pm

When I was young, I loved Marvel and thought DC was for older, cheesier guys. Now that I'm an older, cheesier guy, I love DC and think Marvel is for younger guys......go figure, lol.

I still collect Hulk from Marvel, only because Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness are writing/drawing. Otherwise, when JMS left Marvel permanently, so did I.
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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Are You a Marvel or DC fan?   Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 2:44 am

Mr.Vulture wrote:
When I was young, I loved Marvel and thought DC was for older, cheesier guys. Now that I'm an older, cheesier guy, I love DC and think Marvel is for younger guys......go figure, lol.

I still collect Hulk from Marvel, only because Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness are writing/drawing. Otherwise, when JMS left Marvel permanently, so did I.

I can relate to that Mr Vulture. I used to read lots of Marvel comics when I was much younger. Now, all I really look forward to is a well-crafted story rather than a couple of super-powered dudes in a fist-fight. At the moment, DC seems to be churning out some really good stuff. I appreciate a good story more now. The action scenes are secondary for me, although they do spice up the story.

I have always loved reading the Batman books. It's hard to put down a good crime-solving mystery, a suspenseful detective story or even a mind-bending psychological thriller. I'm happy to say I get most of that from the Batman titles. Smile
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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Are You a Marvel or DC fan?   Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 4:26 am

I'm in the same boat - I loved Marvel more when I was younger. This was probably the whole association thing with identifying with Peter Parker as a kid or the outsider X-Men element.

Now though DC seems a lot darker and like I always say, no matter what I get interested in, I always go back to Batman!!!
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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Are You a Marvel or DC fan?   Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 7:33 am

Except for the the fact that instead of reading Marvel comics I just watched the Spider-Man/X-Men cartoons growing up, I was essentially the same as you all. Though I do still kinda appreciate some of Marvel's stuff - I just never have the time.

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Gotham Knight Regular

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PostSubject: Re: Are You a Marvel or DC fan?   Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 28, 2010 4:09 pm

I voted DC which is slightly skewed as I only read Batman related titles. I don't read Marvel at all any more (not since I was a small kid), I mainly read Indies beyond Batman.
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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Are You a Marvel or DC fan?   Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 28, 2010 5:44 pm

Boozad wrote:
I voted DC which is slightly skewed as I only read Batman related titles. I don't read Marvel at all any more (not since I was a small kid), I mainly read Indies beyond Batman.

That's really interesting to me, how Batman is so appealing to a wide range of people. If Marvel fans had to pick their favorite DC hero, the only one 99% of them ever seem to have ANY interest in whatsoever is Batman. And you're really an indie fan, but the only thing you really read outside of that is Batman. I've always found that really intriguing.

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PostSubject: Re: Are You a Marvel or DC fan?   Are You a Marvel or DC fan? I_icon_minitime

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