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 hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles?

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PostSubject: hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles?   hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles? I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 23, 2010 10:12 pm

hi, i'm new here so i have a few questions. 1st let me say that i've been a batman fan all my life but never been a regular reader. i've purchased the main trades along with other books like the batman vault, becoming batman, batman animated, batmobile's owner manual, history of batman guide to batman, etc. still i'm interested in learning more about his trophy room, the batcave in general & more importantly the hall of armor. also frank miller's and norman keith breyfogle's batmobile variations.

thanks to a little info on the trophy room. as shown in batman chronicles #8 & #19. the batcave as shown in batman & the robin the boy wonder. so here are my questions.

1st the hall of armor. which comics should i pick up to learn about each armor & the story behind each of them. i.e. who wore what & detailed images of the separate customes/armors.

2nd the batcave. which comics have a good images of the batcave. i know that's a loaded question but i thought i would ask. personally i liked the batcave replica in batman: child of dreams.

3rd the trophy room. which comics shoould a look up for info the trophies in the trophy? besidea batman chronicles #8 & #19.

4th norm breyfogle's batmobiles. besides neal adams, marshall rogers, frank miller & kia asamiya being some of my favorite batman artist's, norm breyfogle is another all time favorite. so which issue's has he drawn the batmobile, including his many variations of said car?

5th frank miller's batmobile. the batmobile/tank from frank miller's dark knight returns. again how times has this been shown in any/all of the batman comics? i need something that shows the detail of both the extrior & interior.

any help would be greatly appreciated.
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PostSubject: Re: hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles?   hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles? I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 24, 2010 6:41 am

Oh man... I've only been reading Batman comics and the trade paperbacks for a little over 2 years. I'm not that in depth with the comics to know all that. So I'll let the long time readers weigh in on this one. Sorry I couldn't help.
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PostSubject: Re: hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles?   hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles? I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 24, 2010 7:23 am

This is an excerpt from the "Real Batman Chronology Project":

"Secrets of the Batcave: Dinosaur Island" by Graham Nolan (The Batman Chronicles #8, Part 3) Spring 1997
This quick little tale could easily have taken place a bit earlier, but I put it in here because we have never seen the Batcave dinosaur yet, but it will start showing up repeatedly from this point on. In "Dinosaur Island" we learn how the giant T-rex winds up as a trophy in the cave. Batman defeats Stephan Chase, vile owner of "Dinosaur Island", a theme park complete with robotic fighting cavemen and mechanical dinosaurs.

NOTES: Since we are including the "Dinosaur Island" story here, we might also want to include the origin stories for the other Batcave trophies, such as the giant penny. From this point on, Batman will collect many versions of his Bat-Vehicles, other various over-sized stage props, carved marble statues, a wardrobe of alternate costumes, and framed pictures of his superhero allies. While Batman definitely and canonically collects all of the wacky items in the cave, most artists' renditions will, for simplicity's sake, usually only include the iconic T-Rex and the penny. However, pencillers like Brian Bolland, Graham Nolan, and Marshall Rogers love drawing the cave with as many trophies as possible. Here is a list of a few specific cases which result in trophies and also take place at this time.

--Contrary to popular belief, the giant penny was a trophy from the encounter with the "Penny Plunderer" aka gangster Joe Coyne, not from an encounter with Two-Face. The Batman Chronicles #19 has a good Penny Plunderer story, although it's non-canon because Robin is in it.

--After the events of "Mad Monk", Batman kept The Monk's tattered shroud. Since he is starting a trophy room, he puts the shroud on display. Similarly, he will put The Riddler's giant question mark on display as well.

--Batman's second encounter with The Joker occurs around this point, after which Batman will proudly display a giant playing card alongside the other trophies. Since we know that Batman goes in disguise as a black man during one of his early encounters with The Joker (as seen in Batman #589), we might as well assume that he dons blackface (sigh) during this giant playing card adventure.

--Batman's first memorable encounter with The Penguin will earn him a life-size Emperor Penguin prop.

--The Case of the Prophetic Picture takes place. Anyone who commissions a portrait by the famous Gotham artist Pierre Antal Vangild winds up dead. Bruce has his picture painted to solve the case and then hangs it in the cave. (Original story from Detective Comics #42).

--Batman will also shut down some Opium runners around this time with the help of an inside man, who sacrifices his life to help The Dark Knight. As a tribute to his fallen friend, Batman displays his good luck charm, a Little Buddha statue. (Original story from Detective Comics #39).

You can find this rather interesting site at:
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Gotham Knight Initiated

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PostSubject: Re: hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles?   hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles? I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 26, 2010 7:56 am

I randomly came across this... thought you might find it interesting.

hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles? Gothammap
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PostSubject: Re: hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles?   hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles? I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 26, 2010 9:30 pm

Mittens2317 wrote:
This is an excerpt from the "Real Batman Chronology Project":

"Secrets of the Batcave: Dinosaur Island" by Graham Nolan (The Batman Chronicles #8, Part 3) Spring 1997
This quick little tale could easily have taken place a bit earlier, but I put it in here because we have never seen the Batcave dinosaur yet, but it will start showing up repeatedly from this point on. In "Dinosaur Island" we learn how the giant T-rex winds up as a trophy in the cave. Batman defeats Stephan Chase, vile owner of "Dinosaur Island", a theme park complete with robotic fighting cavemen and mechanical dinosaurs.

NOTES: Since we are including the "Dinosaur Island" story here, we might also want to include the origin stories for the other Batcave trophies, such as the giant penny. From this point on, Batman will collect many versions of his Bat-Vehicles, other various over-sized stage props, carved marble statues, a wardrobe of alternate costumes, and framed pictures of his superhero allies. While Batman definitely and canonically collects all of the wacky items in the cave, most artists' renditions will, for simplicity's sake, usually only include the iconic T-Rex and the penny. However, pencillers like Brian Bolland, Graham Nolan, and Marshall Rogers love drawing the cave with as many trophies as possible. Here is a list of a few specific cases which result in trophies and also take place at this time.

--Contrary to popular belief, the giant penny was a trophy from the encounter with the "Penny Plunderer" aka gangster Joe Coyne, not from an encounter with Two-Face. The Batman Chronicles #19 has a good Penny Plunderer story, although it's non-canon because Robin is in it.

--After the events of "Mad Monk", Batman kept The Monk's tattered shroud. Since he is starting a trophy room, he puts the shroud on display. Similarly, he will put The Riddler's giant question mark on display as well.

--Batman's second encounter with The Joker occurs around this point, after which Batman will proudly display a giant playing card alongside the other trophies. Since we know that Batman goes in disguise as a black man during one of his early encounters with The Joker (as seen in Batman #589), we might as well assume that he dons blackface (sigh) during this giant playing card adventure.

--Batman's first memorable encounter with The Penguin will earn him a life-size Emperor Penguin prop.

--The Case of the Prophetic Picture takes place. Anyone who commissions a portrait by the famous Gotham artist Pierre Antal Vangild winds up dead. Bruce has his picture painted to solve the case and then hangs it in the cave. (Original story from Detective Comics #42).

--Batman will also shut down some Opium runners around this time with the help of an inside man, who sacrifices his life to help The Dark Knight. As a tribute to his fallen friend, Batman displays his good luck charm, a Little Buddha statue. (Original story from Detective Comics #39).

You can find this rather interesting site at:

Wow, thanks for all that! Really interesting Bat-facts.

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Jon Q. Citizen
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Jon Q. Citizen

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PostSubject: Re: hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles?   hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles? I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 3:10 pm

Great Gotham City Map!!!
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PostSubject: Re: hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles?   hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles? I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2010 2:31 pm

thanks for the map pic. i believe that i've seen it before. which book'issue does it appear in?

also if anyone wants to send me a pm with answers to my questions thats fine but please don't send me invites or friend requests or whatever. again unless it's links to a site that i might find useful or info that i can use.

anyways i came across secrets of the batcave tpb yesterday. it has pics of the batcave & related stories about items in the trophy room. in between some of the stories you'll find pics'diagrams of the cave from the 40's, 5's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's to the present.

also the cave in shown in a pullout in all star batman & robin the boy wonder issue #4. the same pullout is in the batman vault book without the word dialog bubbles.

the ultimate guide has a drawing of the batcave as well.

who's who in the dc universe #13 has a drawing of the 1990's batcave.

last but not least, i think the owner's manual to the batmobile has batcave drawing as well.

one w=more thing can anyone suggest any good batman sites'forums where i might find the info i'm looking? post it here or send me a pm.
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PostSubject: Re: hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles?   hall of armor/trophy room, batcave, batmobiles? I_icon_minitime

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