| Flash anyone? | |
+3Jon Q. Citizen joezilla87 scarygarrey 7 posters |
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scarygarrey Gotham Knight Initiated
Posts : 178 Join date : 2010-05-08 Age : 38 Location : London, KY
| Subject: Flash anyone? Sun Oct 10, 2010 4:45 pm | |
| I've always enjoyed Flash. Much the same way as myself and a lot of others do with Batman... the overall image, the abilities and the character's personality. I'm drawn to it. It's always been very interesting to me. It's another super hero love of mine that I've yet to tap into. Like Bob has recently done with the Green Lantern and the Emerald Warriors site, he's exploring a love of his that he's always wanted to go further into. That's what I'm interested in doing with Flash. Unlike Batman there's never been a whole lot of media exposure with the character. Aside from the Justice League I've not really seen anything else he's been in on TV. I was at a book store recently and I bought Flash: Rebirth by Geoff Johns. I've not really read it yet. But if there is any of you who have read a lot of the Flash comics or trade paperbacks who has knowledge of the character would you recommend me some reading material? Bare in mind I know very little about Flash aside from the fact that he's really effin' fast and there's more than one of him. To show you how little I really know I recently just figured out what his core city is. I came across Central City being mentioned in a Justice League movie that I watched not too long ago. Anyway... any help would be appreciated.
Thanks -Garrey | |
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joezilla87 Gotham Knight Reader
Posts : 83 Join date : 2010-09-14
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:57 pm | |
| I've heard Mark Waid's run on the Flash is really great, I haven't read it myself though. I'd recommend Geoff Johns' original Flash run, which have been collected in 6 volumes of trade paperbacks I believe. Honestly, I have read only Geoff Johns' run and the 2 volumes of when Bart Allen was the Flash. | |
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scarygarrey Gotham Knight Initiated
Posts : 178 Join date : 2010-05-08 Age : 38 Location : London, KY
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:03 pm | |
| Thanks. See, I don't even know who Bart Allen is lol. | |
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joezilla87 Gotham Knight Reader
Posts : 83 Join date : 2010-09-14
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:51 pm | |
| Lol, Bart Allen is Kid Flash and the grandson of Barry Allen and he is also a cousin of Wally West, who is also the Flash along with Barry and Jay. | |
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Jon Q. Citizen Gotham Knight Initiated
Posts : 151 Join date : 2009-11-19 Age : 51 Location : Columbus, OH
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:21 pm | |
| Geoff Johns run on the "Wally West" Flash is phenominal!! I wasn't really impressed with Grant Morrison's run, though he did introduce much of the mythology behind the "speed force". Mark Waid's run is "...ehh", but I really don't get into Waid's writing.
Definitely pick up all the Johns' Flash volumes, and Rebirth. The Bart Allen run was decent, the ending was good, and it does tie into the Infinite Crisis/Final Crisis storyline. If you're not a completist, then don't worry about it.
Much like you, I'd love to see a site much like Gotham Knights & Emerald Warriors.....like "Speedforce Online" or "Flash Fact Online", etc. but I'm not sure how many fans would join.......but I would if you or anyone else ever goes that direction. | |
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gallegra Dark Knight Admin
Posts : 1053 Join date : 2009-03-20 Age : 37 Location : Smallville, Florida
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Tue Oct 12, 2010 1:11 pm | |
| - Jon Q. Citizen wrote:
- Much like you, I'd love to see a site much like Gotham Knights & Emerald Warriors.....like "Speedforce Online" or "Flash Fact Online", etc. but I'm not sure how many fans would join.......but I would if you or anyone else ever goes that direction.
We've actually thought about that. We did the Batman one because he's awesome, we decided not to do a Superman one because there's already the fantastic Superman Homepage (which has EVERYTHING), and we made the Green Lantern one because of the movie. If a Flash or Justice League movie gets on the fast-track soon, then we'll probably start one. -Gary | |
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joezilla87 Gotham Knight Reader
Posts : 83 Join date : 2010-09-14
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Tue Oct 12, 2010 5:19 pm | |
| I read somewhere that the Flash movie script is in the final stages but I think production won't start until after Green Lantern and then there is also Green Lantern 2. | |
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scarygarrey Gotham Knight Initiated
Posts : 178 Join date : 2010-05-08 Age : 38 Location : London, KY
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Tue Oct 12, 2010 5:21 pm | |
| I read the same thing... minus the Green Lantern sequel I think it was an interview with Geoff Johns on Newserama. | |
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iod1974 Gotham Knight Reader
Posts : 94 Join date : 2010-10-27 Age : 49 Location : North Carolina
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:37 am | |
| I used to read Mark Waid's run on the Flash in the 90's and it was one of my favorite books. He also had the best cliff hangers and he introduced more of a "Flash Family" with Impulse (Bart Allen), Max Mercury, Jesse Quick. If you can get any of those books on back issue or in the trades, they would be really fun reads. There was also a spin off series called Impulse that Mark Waid wrote, it was very light and fun. I have just gotten back into The Flash with rebirth and plan to read some of Geof Johns' work. I enjoyed in re-birth the memtions of 'Bruce" by Barry Allen. Also, the big event in DC comics for 2011 is something called "Flashpoint" which will be Flash related, so I'd kinda like to catch up and be in the loop when that happens. Also you may want to check out http://speedforce.org/ It is a cool fan site for the Flash. | |
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gallegra Dark Knight Admin
Posts : 1053 Join date : 2009-03-20 Age : 37 Location : Smallville, Florida
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:15 pm | |
| That's a really cool site, thanks for that! And I'm excited to see what they do with flashpoint.
-Gary | |
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joezilla87 Gotham Knight Reader
Posts : 83 Join date : 2010-09-14
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:53 pm | |
| I'm excited for Flashpoint and I'm curious what is going to happen. Geoff Johns is a really good writer so I'm sure its going to be something good. | |
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iod1974 Gotham Knight Reader
Posts : 94 Join date : 2010-10-27 Age : 49 Location : North Carolina
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:32 pm | |
| Yeah, he has been planning Flashpoint for about 4 or 5 years. Just like Blackest Night was in the works for years. In the past some of DC's big events seemed just thrown together in a hurry and then forgotten (Eclipso, Zero Hour, Underworld Unleashed, The Final Night, One Million) Now it feels like they have long term story goals and they can drop little hints and clues for the fans. I love it! Did anyone watch the Flash TV show from the early 90's? It came out right after the first Tim Burton Batman movie, it was pretty good for its time, looks a little dated now. You can pick up the whole series on DVD pretty cheap, Mark Hamill plays the Trickster and uses almost the same voice as he does for the Joker. Best part of the show is the music done by Danny Elfman, has a very Batman feel. The show came on CBS on Thursdays and it was up against the Cosby Show on NBC and The Simpsons on FOX, so it had a hard time getting ratings. | |
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gallegra Dark Knight Admin
Posts : 1053 Join date : 2009-03-20 Age : 37 Location : Smallville, Florida
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:49 pm | |
| Sadly, I've only seen one or two episodes of it. I've been meaning to watch more though, I really enjoyed what I've seen. And the costume looked pretty cool, with the built-in muscles haha.
-Gary | |
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joezilla87 Gotham Knight Reader
Posts : 83 Join date : 2010-09-14
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Tue Nov 02, 2010 5:52 pm | |
| I remember watching it when I was a kid but I can't really remember much. I've been wanting to get the dvd box-set. | |
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ballpointbanana Gotham Knight Regular
Posts : 119 Join date : 2010-09-14
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Fri Nov 05, 2010 6:54 pm | |
| The flash show has got to be one of the worst superhero tv shows ever. Just my opinion | |
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jondoe297 Dark Knight Admin
Posts : 440 Join date : 2009-02-27 Age : 44
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:35 am | |
| When my absession started to grow with Batman, the second major superhero I was exposed to was The Flash, which was through the TV series. Like Garry said at the begining of the thread, Flash seem to draw you in...
I read some of Waid's original 90's run and it was pretty good and recently finished Geoff John's Rebirth and current run. I'm really excited about Flashpoint and where the character is going.
Like Gary said, we talked about other sites, I'd love to keep the Emerald Warriors Online going and more it away from blogger like GKO, but it just means buying another URL, which costs money and I just can't keep them all going.
If anyone is interested in setting up other fan sites and incoporating them into the Gotham Knights Network, then feel free. I'm more than happy to help with admin and site layout.
I've got an idea for a Flash site, but again its cost and getting set-up!
I highly recommend the TV series - next to Batman: TAS, it was one of my favorite shows... | |
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Jon Q. Citizen Gotham Knight Initiated
Posts : 151 Join date : 2009-11-19 Age : 51 Location : Columbus, OH
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:51 pm | |
| I've checked out the Speedforce site, and it's pretty cool. I found a Green Arrow site a few years ago but it was outdated and obviously "abandoned".
I wouldn't worry about starting up new websites if you can't afford it, just add on some pages to this one dedicated to G.L. or Flash, Green Arrow, JLA, etc. and all the true GKO fans will appreciate and understand. | |
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gallegra Dark Knight Admin
Posts : 1053 Join date : 2009-03-20 Age : 37 Location : Smallville, Florida
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:56 pm | |
| - Jon Q. Citizen wrote:
- ...just add on some pages to this one dedicated to G.L. or Flash, Green Arrow, JLA, etc. and all the true GKO fans will appreciate and understand.
Not a bad idea...does that interest you at all, Bob? -Gary | |
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jondoe297 Dark Knight Admin
Posts : 440 Join date : 2009-02-27 Age : 44
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:16 am | |
| I need to do something... my love of comics just keeps growing and growing and I would love to expand GKO in general... I'll see about some sub domains for the site. Watch this space | |
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gallegra Dark Knight Admin
Posts : 1053 Join date : 2009-03-20 Age : 37 Location : Smallville, Florida
| Subject: Re: Flash anyone? Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:43 pm | |
| I'm so excited! Haha
-Gary | |
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| Flash anyone? | |