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 What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be?

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Dark Knight Admin

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What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be? Empty
PostSubject: What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be?   What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be? I_icon_minitimeWed May 12, 2010 1:25 pm

I remember hearing years ago, before the title "The Dark Knight" was conceived, that the Nolan camp was thinking about calling Batman 2 "Batman Rises/Rising" or something like that, and I kinda dug it. But I also like "The Dark Knight" as a title, and I've been thinking; if I were naming Batman 3, what would I call it? Obviously "The Caped Crusader" has been picked as a possible by a lot of fans, but I really don't think that works the same way "The Dark Knight" does. And, even worse is "World's Greatest Detective". I like the title "The Dark Knight Returns", but then a lot of fans will hate on it because it's the name of a totally different and well-loved Batman story. So, does anyone know any good ideas for a Batman 3 title?

And as a side-note, what do you all think of "The Man of Steel" being used as the title for the Superman reboot?
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Dark Knight Admin

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What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be?   What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be? I_icon_minitimeWed May 12, 2010 6:38 pm

My favorite title for Batman 3 would be 'Legend of the Bat'. I came up with this title after reading Chris Nolan's interview on the net about making this the last of the Batman movie series. In the articles, Mr. Nolan is planning to tie up lose ends and end the trilogy with a bang. In order to do that, he needs to continue the story from 'The Dark Knight'.

The last few minutes of the second film has Batman running away from the cops after he personally took the blame for Harvey Dent's fall and the chaos Joker has created. Batman is now a fugitive. So, I guess what Mr. Nolan plans to do is to turn Batman from a fugitive into a respectable protector of Gotham, cementing him as an icon of sorts. If my prediction is accurate, 'Legend of the Bat' would be a really suitable title for the third film.

Last edited by AndrewT on Wed May 12, 2010 6:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Dark Knight Admin

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What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be?   What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be? I_icon_minitimeWed May 12, 2010 6:54 pm

You know what, that's really neat! When I first heard the title "The Dark Knight" I didn't like it, because I didn't like that it didn't have "Batman" in the title, but then I got over it. I really like your idea, Andrew!
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Dark Knight Admin

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What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be?   What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be? I_icon_minitimeTue May 18, 2010 6:12 am

Well taking a leaf out of Frank Millars book I wouldn't mind seeing - "The Dark Knight Returns", its a historic title and granted carries on the Dark Knight theme!
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Dark Knight Admin

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What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be?   What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be? I_icon_minitimeTue May 18, 2010 8:50 am

Very true! But I'd imagine that fanboys would be pissed because it's not an adaptation of Frank Miller's stuff but it's using the same name.

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What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be?   What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be? I_icon_minitime

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What should the title for the third Nolan/Bale Batman film be?
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