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 The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?

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Jon Q. Citizen
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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 31, 2010 7:03 pm

I'm kinda surprised nobody has asked this yet; what do you all think of the recently-announced title of the next Batman movie?

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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 31, 2010 7:05 pm

Personally, I don't really like it. I think it's a bit long, and kinda awkwardly worded. Now, if it was "Rise of the Dark Knight", or "Batman Rises", I'd have liked it more. I get that they're trying to use "The Dark Knight" in the title so that people connect it to the last (immensely popular and successful) Batman flick, but I think they could have done better.

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Dark Knight Admin

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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 31, 2010 7:43 pm

gallegra wrote:
Personally, I don't really like it. I think it's a bit long, and kinda awkwardly worded. Now, if it was "Rise of the Dark Knight", or "Batman Rises", I'd have liked it more. I get that they're trying to use "The Dark Knight" in the title so that people connect it to the last (immensely popular and successful) Batman flick, but I think they could have done better.


Between the two, I would prefer the first one - Rise of the Dark Knight. It just sounds better overall. Smile
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Dark Knight Admin

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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 31, 2010 10:00 pm

I agree. It definitely sounds better with "Rise" before the name, rather than after.

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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 31, 2010 11:39 pm

Can't say I'm too fond of it myself. Hopefully the film is pretty awesome though.
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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 02, 2010 5:50 pm

I actually like the name. When I first read it, I told myself that was a cool name. Its kind of cheesey yeah but I think its cool though.
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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 4:44 pm

I like the name it makes so much sense it's like it's a continuation of a film series or something.

I think some of the names like Shadow of the Bat were to small known since it was from a little known comic book there is no way that would be used. Some suggested Dark Knight Returns but obviously they are not going to call the movie the name of a comic book.

It's a better title then I would have thought of I thought "Gotham, City of Evil" or "Gotham, City of Darkness".

Also Christopher Nolan is a very cerebral director everything has a greater meaning in it like the Inception website when it first started up was the top spinning which became a big part of the movie.
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Jon Q. Citizen
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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 12:53 pm

I agree with Alex from Lubbock that Nolan has deeper meaning than I think we realize in that title....that said Gary's take sounds better to us comic geeks, but the average person will have immediate recognition when they hear/see "Dark Knight" at the front of the title......really they could call it "Dark Knight...." anything and it will do well.
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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 10, 2010 1:51 am

I actually like the title, I remember seeing the title for the first time and being so excited at the announcement while my girlfriend looked at me with that "You F****** nerd" face which I have now grown accustomed to. I didn't really know where they were gonna go with the title of the third movie after Begins, and TDK, but TDKR is the logical step. So does that mean at the end of the movie Batman is gonna be running/gliding somewhere while Gordon looks on? I havent seen that mentioned, the fact that the last scenes of both movies were of Batman just going somewhere and Gordon looking on in deep philosophical thought. Just a thought.
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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 12, 2010 9:39 am

Don't like the title, but don't care what it is called as long as it is good. I have a lot of faith in Nolan. Plus it could change from now to then.
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Dark Knight Admin

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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 8:34 am

iod1974 wrote:
Don't like the title, but don't care what it is called as long as it is good.

I think that's something most of us can agree with haha.

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Gotham City PD - Rookie

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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 07, 2010 9:25 pm

ballpointbanana wrote:
I actually like the title, I remember seeing the title for the first time and being so excited at the announcement while my girlfriend looked at me with that "You F****** nerd" face which I have now grown accustomed to. I didn't really know where they were gonna go with the title of the third movie after Begins, and TDK, but TDKR is the logical step. So does that mean at the end of the movie Batman is gonna be running/gliding somewhere while Gordon looks on? I havent seen that mentioned, the fact that the last scenes of both movies were of Batman just going somewhere and Gordon looking on in deep philosophical thought. Just a thought.
Haha.. I'm familiar with that look too. Except mine varies from teachers to my mom to my peers. :c
My astronomy teacher even gave me a really whacky nickname...

I agree with you guys on some point. It really would make sense for Nolan, money-wise, to include "The Dark Knight" name in the third installment. My dad really enjoyed "The Dark Knight" but would not have a clue if Nolan gave the third movie a random title. The public is slow, and are not up to date with these things, so Nolan is great at marketing his films.

But "The Dark Night Rises"? Wouldn't you rise then something? I just feel the transition is off with the films.
Begins -> Dark Knight -> Dark Knight Rises

I don't know, Nolan seems to have gotten this down, but to me it's just really lengthy, and awkward.
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Dark Knight Admin

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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 07, 2010 10:58 pm

Fawks wrote: me it's just really lengthy, and awkward.

My thoughts exactly...I dunno. Just sees strange to me, it doesn't flow well at all.

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J Knight5
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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 08, 2010 12:00 am

I don't love the title, and I don't hate it. It's just ok. I always hoped it would be called Shadow of the Bat. I think the titles Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and Shadow of the Bat, flow nicely together. But to me, the title of a movie is the least thing to worry about for a film.
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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 08, 2010 7:29 pm

J Knight5 wrote:
the title of a movie is the least thing to worry about for a film.

Yeah, I agree. But it's pretty much the only official thing we know about it for now, and I felt like it was kinda an awkward title.

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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 7:34 am

It should be called - Batman 3 The Dark Knight in Space
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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 12:34 pm

Batman 3: The Dark Knight in Space. Teaser line on the poster; Joel Schumacher is back everybody!

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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 11, 2010 12:40 pm

J Knight5 wrote:
I don't love the title, and I don't hate it. It's just ok. I always hoped it would be called Shadow of the Bat. I think the titles Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and Shadow of the Bat, flow nicely together. But to me, the title of a movie is the least thing to worry about for a film.
How come "Shadow of the Bat"?
"The Dark Knight Returns" sounds so much more flow-y. And it makes more sense than "Rises".

You guys are hilarious. Hah!
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J Knight5
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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 11, 2010 1:53 pm

I always just liked the title "Shadow of the Bat" ever since I got my first comic of that series as a kid. Even though the plot of the movie might not fit it, i just think it's a great title to use for Batman stories.

As for "The Dark Knight Returns" as the title, i don't think DC is going use the word "Returns" in the title of a superhero movie for awhile. Not after it was used for both Batman and Superman.

The main thing i don't like about "The Dark Knight Rises", is that it uses "The Dark Knight" in the title again". It' almost as if they were just going to call it "The Dark Knight 2". I just think it's better when each movie in a film series has their own unique title.
But I'm sure that when I'm watching the movie, the title will be the last thing I'm thinking about.
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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 11, 2010 9:28 pm

J Knight5 wrote:
I always just liked the title "Shadow of the Bat" ever since I got my first comic of that series as a kid. Even though the plot of the movie might not fit it, i just think it's a great title to use for Batman stories.

As for "The Dark Knight Returns" as the title, i don't think DC is going use the word "Returns" in the title of a superhero movie for awhile. Not after it was used for both Batman and Superman.

The main thing i don't like about "The Dark Knight Rises", is that it uses "The Dark Knight" in the title again". It' almost as if they were just going to call it "The Dark Knight 2". I just think it's better when each movie in a film series has their own unique title.
But I'm sure that when I'm watching the movie, the title will be the last thing I'm thinking about.
Good point... Is the title solid right now? I'm sure they might change it into something snazzy. . .
And you're right, but the title of the movie has an indirect impact to the audience, in my opinion.
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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 12, 2010 12:04 am

I think it is solid but you never know it could change before the movie starts filming and before all the promo stuff is printed. I dont think the title of the movie has any direct correlation to how the audience will react to the film. I think the title is completely forgotten. Like The Dark Knight, I went to go see it and did not think about the title until the end when we here Gordon in voice over saying that Batman is a Dark Knight. So I dont think the title matters very much it is in the end just a label. As long as they dont have Batman trying to rid the earth of nuclear weapons I'm fine.
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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 12, 2010 1:43 pm

ballpointbanana wrote:
As long as they dont have Batman trying to rid the earth of nuclear weapons I'm fine.

Hey now, I have a soft spot in my heart for Superman IV...seriously.

But to be honest, I didn't think "The Dark Knight" was a good title for the last one. I wonder how many people in small towns or whatever would have gone to see the movie if they knew it was about Batman, but didn't realize it because it didn't have "Batman" in the title. You might think I'm joking or that most people aren't that dumb, but really, it happens a LOT more often than you might think.

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The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7?   The Dark Knight Rises; What do you think of the title of Batman 3/7? I_icon_minitime

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