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 What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ?

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What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? Empty
PostSubject: What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ?   What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? I_icon_minitimeThu May 20, 2010 7:50 pm

I'm interested in buying a Batman animated series.
What would be your suggestions people and why ?
I know a lot about the story arc regarding the comics but I'm like a newbie regarding the animation.
Hope to hear from you soon !
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Gotham Knight Initiated

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What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ?   What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? I_icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 3:23 am

Oh man... Batman the Animated Series. Dive in and enjoy. As a kid that show just took my imagination and ran with it. Even today it still has the same effect on me. It was a kid's program but adult Batman fans can enjoy this because of the darker atmosphere it has compared to any other Batman animated show... or live action show for that matter. I strongly recommend it. Later in the series it turns into the Adventures of Batman and Robin which is pretty awesome too. Then the title changes again but I can't quite remember it at the moment. But after the series ended they came up with Batman Beyond as I'm sure you've heard of it. A futuristic world where Bruce Wayne is an older and wiser man who takes a teenage kid and guides him into being the new Batman. I liked it but I was much more fond of the regular animated series.

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What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ?   What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? I_icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 6:35 am

Thank you so much Garrey ! I will take a serious look at this series for sure ;o)
Any other suggestions people ?
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Dark Knight Admin

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What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ?   What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? I_icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 12:06 pm

While I disagree with Garrey in that I love Batman Beyond every bit as much as the Batman Animated Series, I totally agree that Batman: The Animated Series is the perfect place to start as far as Batman cartoons go. It totally sucked me in as a child, and now as an adult I have an even greater appreciation for it because it's so dark and gritty that you catch things now that you didn't as a child. Plus, if you want, you can use Batman: TAS as the jumping off point to enjoy the whole DC Animated Universe, which Batman: The Animated Series started in 1992. Here's the list of shows included in the DC Animated Universe, which lasted more than a decade!

  • Batman: The Animated Series (1992–1995)
    Superman: The Animated Series (1996–2000)
    The New Batman Adventures (1997–1999)
    The New Batman/Superman Adventures (1997–2000)
    Batman Beyond (1999–2001)
    Static Shock (2000–2004)
    The Zeta Project (2001–2002)
    Justice League (2001–2004)
    Justice League Unlimited (2004–2006)

If you're concerned ONLY with Batman, but still want to check out more than just the first Batman:The Animated Series, then at least check out Batman: the Animated Series, The New Batman Adventures, The New Batman/Superman Adventures, Batman Beyond, Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. But, if you're like me and Batman was just what began your love for the DC universe and superheroes as a whole, then the rest of them are all FANTASTIC fun, and even a great place to learn about DC heroes you might not know much about.

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What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ?   What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? I_icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 12:32 pm

Nice and complet reply Gary. Thank you very much !
I will do some research and try to win an auction on Ebay regarding you're suggestion.
I have a very young kid (1 year old) and hope to watch them with him.
I just hope he will enjoy the character as much as I do. Wink

Cheers !
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Dark Knight Admin

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What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ?   What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? I_icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 12:43 pm

At one year old I'm not sure how much your kid will get out of it, but I can tell you that as he grows a bit older he'll probably love it!

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What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ?   What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? I_icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 1:06 pm

LOLLLLLLL .... I hope to watch them with my son one day.... but certainly not now !
Don't worry, he enjoy watching Baby TV now and it's much more appropriate for is age ;o)
I'm not sure about the minimum age to start appreciate Batman the Animated series but I assume 4-5 years old would be a good age to start.
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Dark Knight Admin

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What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ?   What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? I_icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 1:08 pm

Yeah, definitely. I watched it when I was around 5, so that'd be good.

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Dark Knight Admin

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What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ?   What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? I_icon_minitimeSat May 22, 2010 4:16 pm

I'm completely with the guys on the animated series - again it was another building block that cemented my love for Batman.

On the flip side, I know your son is only a year old, my youngest is three and his sits and watches Batman: The Brave amd the Bold with me - he loves it. I think that show has to be second on my list for Batman animated series.
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Dark Knight Admin

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What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ?   What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? I_icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 8:11 pm

Hi all,

To me, Batman: The Animated Series will always remain as my favorite. I'm not saying Batman Beyond isn't any good but I have more fond memories from the first animated TV series.
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Gotham Knight Reader

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What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ?   What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? I_icon_minitimeMon May 24, 2010 12:13 pm

I grew up watching batman the animated series and batman beyond. I loved them both. The new series batman the brave and the bold isn't half bad either. I watch it with my kid brother every chace I get. Isn't A batman beyond comic going to be coming out soon too?????
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Dark Knight Admin

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What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ?   What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? I_icon_minitimeMon May 24, 2010 1:37 pm

Yeah, I agree with you Sergio; I remember them both fondly. Granted, I have more memories of TAS (probably because it was on longer) but I like both of them a lot.

And yes, we talked about it on the other thread, that Batman Beyond mini is gonna be awesome!

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What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ?   What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ? I_icon_minitime

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What is your suggestions for a Batman animated series ?
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