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 I bought an older Batman action figure

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Gotham Knight Initiated

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I bought an older Batman action figure Empty
PostSubject: I bought an older Batman action figure   I bought an older Batman action figure I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 4:38 pm

So I went to a Vendors Mall today and bought 2 items that interested me. One of with was the 1960s Batmobile from the TV series. It's the newer ones from Hotwheels. It was made in 2007. It was brand new and in the box. But I couldn't help it and I HAD to take it out of the box. It looked way too pretty inside the box to not play with! Here's a few pics I took:

I bought an older Batman action figure 4775699660_80a77d0f6b_b

I bought an older Batman action figure 4775700422_7e80ab521b_b

I bought an older Batman action figure 4775064799_46279a15f1_b

I bought an older Batman action figure 4775702668_dca411d65c_b

I bought an older Batman action figure 4775703394_0cc1b0aebe_b

I bought an older Batman action figure 4775704946_0780a2c63c_b

I bought an older Batman action figure 4775705736_a15e67b84e_b

I bought an older Batman action figure 4775707260_f1c7be97dc_b

Now the 2nd thing I bought was a Batman action figure made in 1973. I saw it at the top of the shelf sort of hidden and it was like finding hidden treasure to me! I got so excited. Paid 3 dollars for it! It's obviously got some wear and tare on it and the utility belt, boots and gloves are missing...but it's in decent shape considering. One the back of the figure it says "Mego Corp. 1973" Looked it up and apparently there was quite a few of these made in the 70s. So I doubt it's worth much but it's still pretty cool. Here's a few pics I took of it:

I bought an older Batman action figure 4775698840_c212967cc1_b

I bought an older Batman action figure 4775069895_b3e99ba088_b

I bought an older Batman action figure 4775707940_2d0bd501d2_b

I bought an older Batman action figure 4775708618_c994f116f1_b

I bought an older Batman action figure 4775709268_f8d7ffe53f_b

Here's a link to the actual Mego Corp toy museum and gallery:

Just thought that was interesting.


Last edited by scarygarrey on Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Dark Knight Admin

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I bought an older Batman action figure Empty
PostSubject: Re: I bought an older Batman action figure   I bought an older Batman action figure I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 5:10 pm

I love Megos! They're the featured characters in the "Twisted Toyfare Theatre" comics, which I love so much. Great find!

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I bought an older Batman action figure
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