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 On the subject of Superman.

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On the  subject of Superman. Empty
PostSubject: On the subject of Superman.   On the  subject of Superman. I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 5:18 pm

This post makes more sense if you hear GKO podcast #39....

The issue is that the writer does not use their whimsical imagination they try an approach that works with other characters many look at the Elseworlds Superman stories Grant Morrison's Superman in All Star Superman and JLA.

His powers are not the issue as a DC Comics hero he is designed to always win if you complain about his superpowers then you need to be reminded that it is a superhero comic book from a major publisher and they will always win.

With All Star Superman many say that it is the perfect take and it's because the challenges were beyond comprehensions for other characters they fit Superman rather then Superman adapting a more standard superhero method. His adventures were that of Sci-Fi/ fantasy many also sight Kingdom Come while not my favorite Superman story it is fitting many would say that because the weight of the world is on his shoulders and even though he doesn't take it out on others he is not always confident the fact that he choses to be a normal everyman says lots about him that to him he wants to d the right thing and doesn't understand why that is hard for the world to understand.

The key in Superman and every great superhero comic is to get their minds on the things surrounding the characters rather then expecting the character to survive with RIP I doubt many really believed Batman would die but there minds were going to a bunch of other places instead.

I don't think many Superman writers have a reason to tell the most epic adventure Geoff Johns has the advantage of being one of DC's top writers that he can tell almost any story and DC will let him while others have to listen to rules set by DC or they take it as just a assignment and sometimes it shows. With Geoff Johns he said he had a clear goal he wanted each story to tell an aspect of Superman's life and that's how each arc was so that's why it was liked and he left because he said he could not come near All Star Superman. Well when he left DC's support did to the run by James Robinson and Greg Rucka and Sterling Gates meant they had more of a Superman duty rather then tell there own epic and with Rucka leaving and the sells going down since Geoff Johns left I am convinced DC told Robinson and Gates to kill off all New Krypton to start the run by J Michael Straczynski fresh. This is the biggest problem with Johns is that DC's support and the readers follow him and the books he leaves behind go down in quality.

With JMS' Superman run now many are bothered that this anticipated run was Superman walking America with the real world problems it happens allot Superman fans who are writers freeze up when it comes to the monthly Superman and instead tell what they think fits a monthly Superhero book I think they should use their imaginations and tell stories that don't feel like monthly books. I am sure his Earth One book will be more liked because it's him doing what he wants.

What Superman needs is not another Geoff Johns but a writer who will take the book to it's limits.

I quote a line from the Superman 2000 pitch that Superman writers should try to do.

"Even more than now, we want the focus to be on Superman himself as he takes part in grand, world-shattering, star-spanning adventures which tap into the same sense of awe and wonder we strove to invoke with JLA and KINGDOM COME. Superman is the Man of Tomorrow. He mustn’t stay mired in the fast-passing trends of yesterday’s post-WATCHMEN comics. Superman’s world isn’t the life-sized, realistic world outside our window. It’s a world of limitless wonder, a thrilling circus of amazement in which absolutely anything can happen."
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Jon Q. Citizen
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Jon Q. Citizen

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On the  subject of Superman. Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the subject of Superman.   On the  subject of Superman. I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 04, 2010 3:24 am

I believe that much like Thor, Amazing Spiderman, & Babylon 5.....if they give JMS a chance to develop a long-term story, HE CAN DELIVER!! His major storylines play out over years and they are very good and definitely outside the box.....I believe that he will put forth his best comic-book writing to-date with this run. He said when it was announced that he would writing Supes that it was the one character he always wanted to write, and I have full confidence in his abilities to write and his sales for the previously mentioned Spidey & Thor were very good. Given a little time, & a good artist (which Superman always has....except Phil Noto in Superman: Maelstrom....), JMS will turn around the Superman franchise.
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Dark Knight Admin

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On the  subject of Superman. Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the subject of Superman.   On the  subject of Superman. I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 01, 2010 1:27 pm did I miss this post! Great insight there, Alex; I think you hit the nail right on the head. It was kinda obvious that once Johns left, there was a massive shift in the story. I am intrigued to see what JMS does with his run though, but I have to agree that it's not the best idea for a Superman tale.

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Gotham Knight Regular

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On the  subject of Superman. Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the subject of Superman.   On the  subject of Superman. I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 03, 2010 11:20 pm

I like JMS' run on Superman, I think he gets the charachter and understands what he's writing, but to say that he's going to turn around the Superman franchise is over-stepping the fact at hand. I feel like that's not what JMS is trying to do with his run. I think he's taking the most essential piece of Superman and fleshing it out. He's taking the fact that Superman as an alien from a foreign planet in a foreign galaxy, over the years has created a bond with our own humanity, a bond that makes him less kryptonian and more human. Because lets face it Superman would like to be human(while never giving up his true kryptonion heritage) although he'll never be human and thus this is his bond to us (human beings). And over time like JMS has preached, he has lost this bond so he sets out to gain it back. And that's why I look forward to JMS' Superman book more than David Hine's abortion in Detective.
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Dark Knight Admin

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On the  subject of Superman. Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the subject of Superman.   On the  subject of Superman. I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 04, 2010 8:42 am

ballpointbanana wrote:
And over time like JMS has preached, he has lost this bond so he sets out to gain it back. And that's why I look forward to JMS' Superman book more than David Hine's abortion in Detective.

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On the  subject of Superman. Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the subject of Superman.   On the  subject of Superman. I_icon_minitime

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