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 Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?

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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 05, 2010 7:37 pm

I thought this might be an interesting new topic...who are your favorite Non-Batman family heroes? They could be anyone, but I'd like it if we could keep it confined to DC, Marvel (Amalgam/Elseworlds or whatever if you want) or mainstream comic heroes so that most of us will know who they are.

My top 5 would be (from favorite to least favorite):

1) Superman, of course; you all probably know this, but I love Superman. He's the perfect hero, totally altruistic and always tries to do the right thing. Truth, Justice and the American Way...

2) 1990's ("Death of Superman") Superboy: I've talked about this a bit recently, but I loved the heck out of Kon-El when he first came out. Now, he's just basically Superman Jr, but when he was made during the Death of Superman series he was totally original - and awesome...The one I'm talking about is below, for reference.

[url=]Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? Superb10[/url

3) Green Lantern (Guy Gardner); Guy has been my favorite Green Lantern for years now. I love how he's really tough and full of sass, but yet will stick up for the heroes he hates if someone else comes along trying to hurt 'em. I just love his attitude, basically.

4) Spider-Man; I just love Spider-Man. He was the second hero I got into, after Batman TAS I loved the Spider-Man cartoon. After that was over I loved Spider-Man Unlimited too, but that show didn't last very long (and it wasn't as good as Batman Beyond).

5) B'Wana Beast (just kidding) - Gambit; My favorite X-Man, Gambit, is just awesome. Although I liked him in the X-Men animated series from the 90's, the main scene with him that comes to mind was from X-Men Evolution from the early 2000's. Gambit just walks up to a semi-truck in the middle of a compound he wanted to destroy, charges it up with his power, and walks away. A few seconds later, the truck destroys the whole I like his attitude with the Cajun accent and all that.

Honorable Mention: The Hulk - Gotta love the big green guy...I love the Hulk. Especially as a kid, the idea of a nerdy guy turning into this huge creature whenever he was attacked or wronged; gotta love it.

So, what do you guys think of mine, and what are your faves?

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Gotham Knight Reader

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 05, 2010 8:32 pm

1) I have to say Superman is my favorite besides Batman. I love that he is the opposite of Batman and he is the boy scout out of the two. I'm a huge fan of the Superman movies with Christopher Reeve and I still watch the first two every couple of months. I just recently started to catch up with the current Superman comics.

2) Kyle Raynar, he is the Peter Parker of DC. When I started to expand my reading from Batman, Green Lantern was the first I started to read and at the time Kyle Raynar was the main character at the time. He has lost his girlfriend in the first arc and it devastated him so much but he moved on and he became one of the best superheroes. My favorite moment of Kyle Raynar's was in Green Lantern Rebirth when he finally actually meets Hal Jordan and Kyle tells him that he isn't a person who overcome great fear but Hal tells him that no one would ever fly across space to help people in need.

3) I've only read Geoff Johns' run of the Flash and I've just looked through the rest of the series but I really like Wally West. I actually felt really bad when Wally took down Zoom but he couldn't stop him before when he caused his wife to lose her children. I thought that was a classic Flash moment but then the babies were born at the end of Johns' run.

4) I grew up watching the Spider-Man cartoon series at the same time when Batman the Animated Series was being aired and I really loved Spider-Man.

5) After I had heard about Neil Gaiman was going to write the two-part Whatever Happened the Caped Crusader, I decided to read his Sandman series. My older sister is a huge fan of Tori Amos and she told me that Tori Amos was best friends with Neil Gaiman and she would tell me that the Sandman was a really good comic series but I wouldn't read about it until the announcement of Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader and I have to say that I should've read it before. I really like the character Dream from that series, I love how serious he always is and in a way it is kind of similar to Batman when it comes to love (but Batman would never send someone he loves to hell).
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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 05, 2010 8:52 pm

1) Agreed! And congrats for spelling the name correctly (Christopher Reeve, not Chris Reeves as many misspell/confuse with George Reeves).

2) I really do like Kyle Rayner too, he's one of my favorites. He was introduced as I was growing up, and it was really cool for me to see a young new recruit.

3) That's one of the ones I intend to catch up on when I'm out of school for the semester, it looks really cool!

4) Sweet, me too!

5) I've really been meaning to check out Sandman...I've heard good things.
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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 06, 2010 2:27 am

1. If we're talking imprints then Hellblazer. The Moral ambiguity of Constantine, the fact that he can get it on with a succubus one moment or tell someone who's struggling whom he can help that it isn't his problem and then tell a little girl in the spirit world to let go of her weeping Mother so that her mother will stop grieving and so that the little girl can watch over her Mother in heaven in another is something that no other comic book character can do.

2. Superman, like everyone else. But what really made me like the character definitively was Alan Moore's For the Man Who Has Everything. Honestly I havent read anything as heartbreaking and human. That story and Moore's other Superman work Whatever happened to the man of tomorrow made me realize that to truly hurt Superman you don't necessarily have to use Kryptonite, you can also use the human connections and the love he has for his human companions as well as the need for Clark to be human and normal when he is the complete opposite.

3. Green Lantern, Although I only read GL and GLC. And I agree, Guy Gardner is my favorite Green Lantern there's just something about him.

4. Daredevil, I think he is Marvel's only consistently good written character. And Frank Miller's work on the charachter is almost equal to Year one.

5. I was a huge Punisher fan during Ennis' run on the book.
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Gotham Knight Reader

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 06, 2010 7:07 am

1. Superman, just like Batman I've seen him in movies and tv shows and comics since I was young I always have a soft spot for him.

2. Green Arrow, After Kevin Smith's run and Brad Meltzer's run I have begun to really feel connected to him.

3. Wonder Woman, Always was a great character with many contradictions to her personality while retaining her own strength I love George Perez's run and Hiketia.

4. Jack Knight (Starman), James Robinson's Starman is essential reading for any comic fan a selfish slacker slowly became a dedicated superhero.

5. Daredevil, One of the few Marvel superheroes I feel some connection to.

Special places in my heart include Steel (it was his appearance in Reign of the Supermen and 52), Supergirl, Confessor and Alter Boy of Astro City Confession (Batman fans should read that story), for some reason Dream Girl appeals to me from the Legion of Super-Heroes.
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Gotham City PD - Rookie

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 06, 2010 7:58 pm

I'm a pretty boring person, but I'll try and make it to 5. Haha, I'm a picky, picky person!!

1. She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters); If I had not have saw one of her covers at a flea market, who knows what kind of person I would be today. She was my first. Hee! My first ever bought issue, and favorite female brute. Even though I do not have any respect for Marvel, and is a little heart-broken for discontinuing her series, I will always love her. Pure brute strength and intelligence? That's the perfect (as well as overpowered!) character in my book! I never got into the rest of the Hulk family or any other She-Hulks.
Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? She_hu10

2. Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew); Another Marvel character that I secretly enjoy. I love her story, even though it's not as believable as Peter Parker's (Spiderman), I still love her attitude, and just her! She's a strong woman, and I really like that in comic books. Even though awful things have happened to her in her past, she grows from it and strives. I just really admire her endurance and how she shaped herself to be Spider-Woman.
Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? 300px-10

3. Starman (Jack Knight); This is probably an awful reason for liking a character, but I really like Starman solely for the fact that my graphics design and communications teacher had Tony Harris (the creator) in his class and helped him make his "first" comic book - in the very same room I work in!! I guess you could say Harris and his Starman are inspiration for me to continue on my dreams, even though I don't know his character all too well (I do know he gave his staff to Stargirl in JS.).
Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? Starma10

4. Deadpool; Because how can you hate a witty, clever, badass character such as him? What I like Deadpool, not only was he based off/inspired by Deathstroke (another favorite), Deadpool is aware of himself in comic books. It's just very lighthearted and offers a different pace in books than you usually get. His comics make you think you're there with him, and what issue of him or what issue has he been featured in, that has not made you giggle or give a chuckle? He's a happy-go-lucky character with serious business, and this I give kudos to Marvel.

5. Spider Jerusalem; Not really a superhero, but one of my favorite characters in Vertigo's comic "Transmetropolitan". I'm a huge fan of Hunter S. Thompson and his work, and to come across Spider, a character molder after Hunter S., was mind-blowing. They got the personality down to a "T" (whatever that means. . . ). It's a good book, great story, really makes you think and be concerned about the future. And you just want to become like Spider. He's that cool. I would have put him at my number 3, but I'm just going to say these are in no particular order of importance in my life. Spider comes off as an average joe who just takes in more of the atmosphere around him than the usual person on the street, in other worlds, it's definitely reading something Hunter S. would smile at.
Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? Spider3
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Gotham Knight Reader

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 06, 2010 8:15 pm

I really like how She-Hulk is drawn it's what got me into the comic but I thought the stories were whatever and I just looked through the comic since then.
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Gotham City PD - Rookie

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 06, 2010 8:34 pm

joezilla87 wrote:
I really like how She-Hulk is drawn it's what got me into the comic but I thought the stories were whatever and I just looked through the comic since then.
Yeah. Her old covers were kinda ... awful to say. But her more recent ones are excellent. She's a comic you can't really get absorbed into, but enjoy.
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Gotham Knight Reader

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 06, 2010 8:43 pm

The new comic has really good artwork but again the story seems whatever. It does seem interesting but like I've said before I just like how she's drawn.
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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 06, 2010 11:08 pm


1) I have REALLY been meaning to look up more Hellblazer stuff. The only exposure I have to Constantine is the movie, which I actually liked a lot, and have just forgotten about since haha. But yeah, good point, I'll try to look some of that up in the next few days after I get out of school.

2) I actually had a similar experience, but it was Smallville that did it for me. I dunno if I'd have liked it as much if I wasn't in high school at the same time Smallville started and he was in high school, but it really opened me up to Superman. When you see where he's come from, you see how human he really is. That's something a lot of people forget about...

3) There we go, some more Guy Gardner appreciation! haha but yeah, I agree.

4) & 5) I like both of those characters, but I've only read a few books. I should check them out, especially Daredevil.


1) Awesome, man. I'm the same way...I grew up with both Batman and Superman, and love 'em both.

2) I loved "Quiver", from Kevin Smith's Green Arrow made me really understand and respect the character in a new way. I've really been meaning to read the new GA stuff, but I keep forgetting.

3) I've also been meaning to read WW, especially some of the newer stuff with the outfit change and all that...such a bad DC fan haha.

4) Starman has always been one of those guys I don't really know about but shows up a lot in the background...maybe I should check him out.

5) As I said with Dane, I should check out Daredevil. I loved the movie, I like the idea.

I also love Steel, mostly from the Death of Superman stuff, but he was great in 52. I really like the Legion of Superheroes, but I haven't had enough time to read much of it. And I want to read Astro City too.


1) That's one thing I've always wondered, how did She-Hulk get her powers? And do they get activated the same was as Bruce Banner's powers do, or is she stuck that way? Does she get consumed by rage like Bruce does at the Hulk, or does she have her mind? Sorry for the questions haha, just wondering. I love the Hulk, but I haven't read anything about the Hulk that features She-Hulk (sadly).

2) Yeah, because being bitten by a radioactive spider and getting Spider powers is so believable haha. Just kidding. I've always been intrigued by Spider-Woman, but never really looked any of them up. I guess I should...

3) TWO glowing reviews for Starman? I guess I should definitely look him up then...I liked his appearance in Smallville's "Absolute Justice", but I don't really know much about him.

4) That's a BIG one, on the top of my to-read list. I really love the character in those "I'm a Marvel and I'm a DC" videos on youtube, and I've been meaning to read it. He's a really fun looking character. Like you said, a guy with Deathstroke's skills who is insane and funny.

5) recommended that book? It seems kinda cool...


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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 06, 2010 11:09 pm

joezilla87 wrote:
like I've said before I just like how she's drawn.

How could you not...meeeooowwwww. Thanks for those pictures Fawks haha

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 07, 2010 9:15 am

Lol, true that. She-Hulk got her powers when she was injured and Bruce gave her some of his blood to save her and that is how Jennifer Waters became the She-Hulk. I think almost any comic that's released by Vertigo is good but I haven't read much of their current series though. I've read only Hellblazer, Sandman, Swamp Thing, Shade the Changing Man, and Y: The Last Man which they're all really good reads.
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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 07, 2010 1:41 pm

joezilla87 wrote:
I've read only Hellblazer, Sandman, Swamp Thing, Shade the Changing Man, and Y: The Last Man which they're all really good reads.

I've got to read all of those! haha

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 07, 2010 6:40 pm

That's right I forgot about Doom Patrol and Animal Man but when they were released by Vertigo, Grant Morrison is just amazing when he wrote the Doom Patrol. Morrison can make almost any character interesting.
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Gotham City PD - Rookie

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 07, 2010 9:48 pm

gallegra wrote:

1) That's one thing I've always wondered, how did She-Hulk get her powers? And do they get activated the same was as Bruce Banner's powers do, or is she stuck that way? Does she get consumed by rage like Bruce does at the Hulk, or does she have her mind? Sorry for the questions haha, just wondering. I love the Hulk, but I haven't read anything about the Hulk that features She-Hulk (sadly).

2) Yeah, because being bitten by a radioactive spider and getting Spider powers is so believable haha. Just kidding. I've always been intrigued by Spider-Woman, but never really looked any of them up. I guess I should...

3) TWO glowing reviews for Starman? I guess I should definitely look him up then...I liked his appearance in Smallville's "Absolute Justice", but I don't really know much about him.

4) That's a BIG one, on the top of my to-read list. I really love the character in those "I'm a Marvel and I'm a DC" videos on youtube, and I've been meaning to read it. He's a really fun looking character. Like you said, a guy with Deathstroke's skills who is insane and funny.

5) recommended that book? It seems kinda cool...


1. I believe joe got it! Walters can control transforming into She-Hulk. She actually liked being in that form, and I believe the Scarlet Witch had to cast a spell and whatnot to do something to keep her from running around in public as She-Hulk for a while. I don't read Hulk either, nor the movies. But she's just a sentimental character to me. But Walters is a very over-powered character. She can control it, and she's a lawyer, and a hottie, who is somewhat stronger than her cousin. She actually took him down in a fight when he went into a blind rage. It was great.

2. Haa! Yeah, Drews was shot by a laser/particle gun-photons or something with a Spider's DNA while she was still in the womb of her mother. I don't know too much about the other Spider-Women, but I do know three or four of them, tie up with each other a lot, like Julia Carpenter (She sometimes goes by Spider-Woman or Arachne.) and Jessica Drews I believe have conflicts with each other. I don't read Marvel anymore, so I refuse to really support them by buying their stuff. But I bought SpiderWoman origins at a flea market for only a dollar, and that included 6 issues. It wasn't a bad deal. But I don't know if any of the Spider-Women cross over to Parker's world.

3. I really wouldn't call it a review! Hah! But I know his art is great! And if he's a Godfrey student, he has talent and creativity. I know it's very.. "steampunkish".

4. Yup! Couldn't have put it any better, sir!

5. I definitely recommend it. It's a very different pace in comics now. And if you haven't heard of the journalist/writer Hunter S. Thompson, check him out first. I think you would understand "Transmetropolitan" a lot more than the usual customer picking up something to read. Spider is a very intelligent person, but just like Hunter S., goes to the beat of his own special.. war drum. I would recommend that comic over reading Batwoman anyday.

gallegra wrote:
How could you not...meeeooowwwww. Thanks for those pictures Fawks haha

You're welcome! c:
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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 07, 2010 10:46 pm

Fawks wrote:
I definitely recommend it. It's a very different pace in comics now. And if you haven't heard of the journalist/writer Hunter S. Thompson, check him out first. I think you would understand "Transmetropolitan" a lot more than the usual customer picking up something to read. Spider is a very intelligent person, but just like Hunter S., goes to the beat of his own special.. war drum.

I know a bit about Thompson, I loved the heck outta Fear and Loathing and have heard/read a bit about him, so that book really intrigues me now. I'll be looking that up for sure!

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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 08, 2010 5:14 am

Let me jump in here and add some of mine to the mix...

1) Green Lantern - I just love Geoff Johns universe, the whole Green Lantern Corp is like watching my favorite Sc-Fi show everytime it comes out.

2) Flash - Was a fan since the 90's TV series and followed his story since then. Only just got back into reading since Jeoff Johns took over...

3) Spider-Man - Mainly the 90's era and I'm not keen on what Marvel are doing with the Character at the moment but Spider-Man was just cool.

4) Wolverine / X-Men - Again 90's period was amazing and when Jim Lee was onboard totally mind blowing. The animated series was top notch and I remember the hours I wasted away playing with my X-Men action figures...

5) The Tick - Just funny stuff... always good for a laugh - SPOON!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 08, 2010 7:28 pm

jondoe297 wrote:
Let me jump in here and add some of mine to the mix...

1) Green Lantern - I just love Geoff Johns universe, the whole Green Lantern Corp is like watching my favorite Sc-Fi show everytime it comes out.

2) Flash - Was a fan since the 90's TV series and followed his story since then. Only just got back into reading since Jeoff Johns took over...

3) Spider-Man - Mainly the 90's era and I'm not keen on what Marvel are doing with the Character at the moment but Spider-Man was just cool.

4) Wolverine / X-Men - Again 90's period was amazing and when Jim Lee was onboard totally mind blowing. The animated series was top notch and I remember the hours I wasted away playing with my X-Men action figures...

5) The Tick - Just funny stuff... always good for a laugh - SPOON!!!

I've discussed most of the rest of those on here, but I really have been meaning to get into the new Flash stuff. It looks so cool!

And the Tick...I love you for that Bob! The Tick is one of my favorite guilty pleasures...just so hilarious.

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 11, 2010 12:43 pm

Is the Flash really that recommendable? I mean, I've always been fascinated with him, and Kid Flash, then the Reverse Flash. Haha.
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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 11, 2010 6:10 pm

Fawks wrote:
Is the Flash really that recommendable?

If you're on the fence, I'd say check out Flash: Rebirth and see what you think. I liked it, and am definitely going to check it out now that I have a month of school off!

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 11, 2010 9:20 pm

gallegra wrote:
Fawks wrote:
Is the Flash really that recommendable?

If you're on the fence, I'd say check out Flash: Rebirth and see what you think. I liked it, and am definitely going to check it out now that I have a month of school off!

Lucky. We have finals this week starting Wednesday, but I exempted all my classes. Monday and Tuesday are mandatory unfortunately.. But I'll look for that then! I doubt my local comic store will have it. I'll search I suppose!
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J Knight5
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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 13, 2010 3:56 pm

My list would go like this:

1.Spider-man- He's always been my 2nd favorite hero after Batman. His costume is really cool, his personality is great, and his villains are the second best after Batman's.

2. Green Lantern- I always new about Green Lantern as a kid, but I really didn't start getting into him until he appeared on Superman the animated series. Then when Geoff Johns took over in 2004, he quickly shot up the top my list.

3. X-men- I agree with Bob that the 90s was the best time for the X-men. I loved the roster they had then, and the animated series was great. I think its still the only great Marvel cartoon.

4. Superman- He will always be the most powerful being in comics, and I love that. I think his origin is the 2nd best after Batman's.

5. The Flash- I used to watch the old live action series he had in the early 90s, but I really didn't start to like the character until the Justice League series. Wally west is my favorite Flash.

Last edited by J Knight5 on Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:05 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 13, 2010 7:45 pm

J Knight5 wrote:
.... and his villians are the seond best after Bataman's.
I agree. Spider-man does have some interesting and unique super-villains. As much as I don't like to give them credit too.
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Dark Knight Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 13, 2010 7:49 pm

J Knight5 wrote:
My list would go like this:

1.Spider-man- He's always been my 2nd favorite hero after Batman. His costume is really cool, his personality is great, and his villians are the seond best after Bataman's.

2. Green Lantern- I always new about Green Lantern as a kid, but I really didn't start getting into him until he appeard on Superman the animated series. Then when Geoff Johns took over in 2004, he quickly shot up the top my list.

3. X-men- I agree with Bob that the 90s was the best time for the X-men. I loved the roster they had then, and the animated series was great. I think its still the only great Marvel cartoon.

4. Superman- He will always be the most powerfull being in comics, and I love that. I think his origin is the 2nd best after Batman's.

5. The Flash- I used to watch the old live action series he had in the early 90s, but I really didn't start to like the character untill the Justice League sereis. Wally west is my favorite Flash.

1. I've always liked Spider-Man too. Probably mostly from the 90's animated series and then the movies, but I love him to. There's a lot of really cool Spider-Man storeis too.

2. I agree, his appearance on Superman: TAS was what got me into him again too! Good stuff...

3. Definitely agree that I loved them then, but I have to disagree about the cartoons. I loved the Spider-Man animated series, then later on Spider-Man Unlimited, The Avengers, X-Men Evolution, Wolverine and the X-Men and Iron Man: Armored Adventures. The Iron Man and Hulk cartoon series were pretty good too, but I didn't watch them much for some reason.

5. I really have to watch more of that series...I saw one episode and liked it, but that's it.

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J Knight5
Gotham Knight Reader
J Knight5

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Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 13, 2010 11:16 pm

I actually liked the first two seasons of the Spider-Man animated series. I thought the voice cast was really good. I just thought the animation wasn't that great, and I remember that they would always recycle the same footage for different episodes a lot early in it's run. And it always bugged me that everyone had to use lasers instead of guns as their weapons. It makes you appreciate what they were able to do on Batman The Animated Series.

As for the rest of the Marvel shows, they just couldn't compete with the DC shows, and i just couldn't get into them.
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Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes?   Top 5 favorite Non-Batman family heroes? I_icon_minitime

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